Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 1 8:30am

Well I just got up and its time to take my first lemon yum (yes, I have decided to call the concoction a lemon yum, maybe it will help me drink them... i doubt it).  I fill my glass with 8oz of water, add the maple syrup (and lick the spoon... this may become my favorite part), I attempt to squeeze the juice from a lemon...  made a mess and only got 2 Tablespoons of juice from the lemon.

**note to self:  Need to pick up a juicer, cause this is not going to work otherwise.***

added the cayenne pepper, than added a little more... I like it hot.  mixed it together and Bam, I have a Lemon yum.  So for all you out there reading this, the concoction does not taste like what a lemon yum should taste like.  Think lemon, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper... that is what it tasted like.  =(

1 hour later:

Stomach is feeling empty, a little hot from the cayenne pepper, and I and thinking eggs.  OK, taking Harley for a walk.  On my walk I decided that I should do this blog.

2 hour later:  Finishing up my first post and will post.  Now headed to Target for a juicer and some lemons.

Update to come shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Buddy, you are insane and this sounds disgusting... but yes i will be reading...
